PRESS - tw/rape


photo from Pexels by artist Efrem Efre

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an original poem by Joshua Brown

tw / rape

Pee on me, oh whore of Babylon!

Cast yourself in ghostly apparition

An empty vessel of disrespect

Against the men of recognition

Shit out the excrement of black oil

A fuel against the day of the LORD

Smear at Him who made you yet

With parasitic semen outpoured

Imaginations of lustful smut 

Closing eyes to see the rapes

Of your ancestral guides dead

This time cameras keep tapes

An unholy record of roleplay

A frightful law enforcement game

Crossing time to uncover sins

Dances made by priestess' shame

Turn not away, ye young men

Gaze deep into the abyss white

Of historic insemination revived

For genes will to live and fight

Turn not away, ye virgin maids

For your soul is bought by One

The rapist brought to life, again,

In bloody struggle, a Holy Son.

And raise not sons into cucks, 

For dark magic works like rhyme

And deep feminine golems made,

Will, to molestation, concede time.

#poem #poetry #pornography #relationships #trauma #nature #gender #history #feminism


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Thanks for reading "PRESS" which was written on RTD 153 in Aurora, Colorado, United States, North America on March 19, 2023. My last published poem is also good, it is titled "Predomestication" and is a reflection on man's best friend, the dog, and it relationship with nature. Urbanization and municipalization are undermining our ability to listen to our own instincts as humans at least, that's how I currently view and understand what's going on in the world around me.

Your time and attention are greatly appreciated, if you enjoyed it let me know down in the comments or by sending me some coinage.

Thank you! 💖🙏
