Heaven's Monsters


photo from Pexels by artist Michael Pointner

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a poem by Joshua Brown

Suppressor of this blunt wound to shoulder

Criminal act normalized by recreational drugs

"Death to America!" the drug addicts shout

Not with their words but verity actions tell

Wicked presence of demon re-creations 

Pretend worlds built by those named Christ

"Don't you know? We did the best we could?

Oops. Oh well. Suck our dick and swallow."

Power thrills against the Princess kind

A mild name among the terrorists spoken

An allusion to the sophistry being foisted

By the kings of the earth, royal decrees heap

Blood nastily spilling across the black mirror

Into my pure eyes forging flames that rip

The tragic skin off of their corpse that walks

Dominate over this blank world of tricks

As I sink further into the shifting sand plain

I see a giant mirror casting back at me frames

Of my own consumption of the unblessed

And in my dead eyes I see the last shimmer

Reprobate intimacy against the flesh of hers

A shrill screech pierces the noisy streets

The flying steel boxes grind to a halt yet

Still the horror call to the monsters raises

Not the monsters of Hell:

Heaven's monsters.

#poem #poetry #crime #criminaljustice #justicesystem #sin #punishment #religion #church


Thanks for reading my poem! This one was written in south Aurora, Colorado, United States on the RTD Bus 153 which runs along Chambers Rd on December 20, 2022. Also, read my last poem "Raven in the Rink" which is a contemplation on the eternality of evil. It discusses Hitler, Playboy and police brutality. I think it's a beautiful poem that all people should read. 

Make sure to comment below! I'd love to hear your feedback and I'd also love to start collecting reviews to help my reach. 


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Thanks for reading!
