
This poem is a reflection on guilt, shame, forgiveness, the conscience and responsibility.

photo from Pexels by artist Dominika Gregušová

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   Joshua Brown

Say hello to silence

A payment for sin

And could I bear to fork

The handfuls of 100s

To that society slick

That hated me so 

But loved for me

To grovel, cucked,

And pay my dues.

Well, pay I will,

But only by choice.

Some deep thought,

Towards escape,

Of my own participation

In that damned ploy

To extract by force,

Guilt mining lands

Created by gods.

Ah yes, dear lovely,

I welcome judgement,

For recognizance

Of my own churlish

And violative ways

Waged upon them

Who didn't ask life

To dwell with me

Or on this continent.

It was truly they

Who built around me

A glass house and 

Broke my heart

Silencing me alas

With a stroke of

Isolation of lies.

But tempted to

Violence to survive!

And I won by strength,

Built by years of love,

Love for morality

Against the accuser

Overcoming by hell

Towards that heaven

Built by the architect

Whose imagination

Stifled by superstition.

And think of them,

The children of men,

Loyal only by decree

As if they had a flit

A moment to escape

They too would thrive

As freemen, freesouls

Truthful words pray

Towards wise souls

#poem #poetry #family #friends #church #guilt #shame #pressure #stress #grief #relationships


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📅 Written October 13, 2023

📍 Written in Aurora, Colorado near the West Toll Gate Creek


Thanks for reading this poem! This is an articulation of some of the grief and guilt related to decisions made while still acting under the advice and guidance of evil men and women. If I can at least be an example of what NOT to do, I hope my life can be instructive and helpful.

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